Amber Valley Volunteer Centre

We have a dedicated Volunteer Centre at our office in Ripley, Derbyshire that is at the disposal of people who live in Amber Valley or those who wish to volunteer in Amber Valley from surrounding districts. If you would like more information about volunteering and the opportunities available in the area, we have all the information you need, regularly updated and with the knowledge and contacts to find specialised opportunities.

We use Volife Amber Valley to post opportunities that are currently available. Due to seasonal requests at some points volunteer opportunities will be unavailable.  Please contact to discuss all opportunities. You can also keep up to date with the latest  opportunities on our news page here:

We offer a list of typical opportunities  here :

Go Wild in Wirksworth

Go Wild in Wirksworth

Please explore the information available on the sub-pages of this volunteering section on our website where details are given about the process of a volunteer application and the types of opportunities generally available in Amber Valley.