Social Prescribing for ARCH Primary Care Network

Gp Practices in Alfreton Heanor Ripley and Crich are working through Amber Valley CVS to offer their Social Prescribing service and activity . Social Prescribers will identify community activity in and around Amber Valley to enhance wellbeing and health of individuals. We will identify voluntary sector organisations that can offer a service or social activity to patients who need a bit more than “just what the doctor ordered”.

A referral process is in place from GPs to  dedicated workers in Amber Valley CVS . Alternatively , look out for the ” Social Prescribing post card ” to request help for yourself. Contact by phone will usually be followed up with a home visit to learn what would help you and from that suggest a range of solutions using voluntary sector organisations, from lunch clubs to Befriending, home library service or talking newspapers. As well as linking people to local services and activities, Social Prescribing is also feeding back where more capacity is needed in the voluntary sector to continue and expand the work of the sector.

Who can make referrals? Any health or social care professional, or representative from a voluntary or community organisation.

For more information contact: Charmian or Lauren 01773 512076